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Scaniro A/S has an ongoing collaboration with a network of partners within technology, production and business development. Below you can see some of our partners.

NVSP - NordVest Smart Production
Implements projects on digital transformation and transformative processes in the boardroom and on the factory floor:

CELOG - Centre for Logistics
Centre at Aalborg University and is based on research and knowledge within the area of logistics. The centre helps companies and institutions to optimise the logistics internally as well as externally in the supply chain:

IndustriNews - The manufacturing industry
Gives you an overview of the Manufacturing Industry - Fast, accurate and efficient:


If you would like further information about Scaniro’s innovation work, you are welcome to contact director Keld Jensen at phone +45 3168 4802 or email kj(at)


Scaniro is a future oriented business and a responsible manufacturer of highly processed and complex metal products. 35 years experience and production expertise results in technically advanced solutions with a unique finish – to the delight of our customers. Flexibility, quality and delivery on time are our most important characteristics.


We focus on the production flow and overview.

Your Scaniro coordinator at our customer center ensures that your production in our factory is up and running.
Specialist knowledge and production experience collected and anchored continuously at Scaniro's customer
center and production-/logistics planners. This ensures a decisive technological edge and shortest time-to-market.
Your orders are produced, controlled and delivered on time without errors - with your distributors and dealers.